How to use pet pee pad

How to use pet urine pad

(1) When taking the pet dog out, it can be placed in the car, pet carrier, or hotel room.


(2) Used at home, you can save the trouble of dealing with pet feces.


(3) If you want the puppy to learn to defecate at a certain point, you can spread a pet pad on the kennel, and then spray a defecation training agent on the pet pad, which can promote adaptation to the new environment. When the dog has a nervous reaction to excretion, immediately encourage it to go to the urine pad; Reprimand your dog if he defecates outside the pad and clean the surrounding area without leaving a foul smell. Once the dog is properly excreted on the pad, encourage it. This way the dog will quickly learn to urinate and defecate. One more thing to add: if the dog owner can use the pet pee pad with the toilet or pet carrier, the effect is better.


(4) Used in female dog production.

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